Temperature Dependence of the Quadrupole Interaction for 111In in Sapphire

Jakob Penner and Reiner Vianden

Hyperfine Interactions (2004), Volume 158, p 389-394

DOI Link: 10.1007/s10751-005-9064-9


Perturbed angular correlation measurements of the hyperfine interaction of 111In in sapphire show, that after implantation and annealing at 1000°C, the fraction of undisturbed probe atoms exhibiting a unique quadrupoleinteraction with νQ = 219(1) MHz (η = 0) varies between 50% at 4 K, 5% at 100 K and 80% at 973 K in a reversible manner. A possible explanation for this surprising behaviour is the influence of so-called "after effects" following the EC-decay of 111In to 111Cd. Immediately after the decay the 111Cd is in an ionized state, then collects electrons from its surroundings and reaches the ground state. The different electronic configurations that arise during this relaxation process affect the amplitude (fu) and the damping (δu) of the unique quadrupole interaction.